Industries Served
Our energy services span across all environments that utilizes energy where our customers seek to achieve Energy Excellence. We define Energy Excellence as the continuous improvement journey that many of our customers invest in to achieve greater energy efficiency and effectiveness.
Industrial Food Manufacturing
Emergent Energy's journey as a company started in industrial food manufacturing due to the high cost competitiveness of the food industry. Coupled with the consolidation of small manufactures to large conglomerates, the energy footprint of our multi-national customers continue to grow. We support our customers with understanding their GHG impact and develop the necessary strategies to mitigate their emissions.
High Energy Input Manufacturing
As our global society continues to expand, the need for high energy input manufactured products continue to increase. We specialize in these environments where we assist our customers with the development of a manufacturing baseline and targeted reduction strategies.
Commercial and Mixed Use
Our commercial realestate customers operate under benchmarking regulations that have impacted the top 10 cities throughout the US. The benchmarking ordinances require energy reporting and energy mitigation strategies to be identified. Our energy monitoring services empower our customers with the data they need to manage their energy loading while providing a pathway for reduction.
Education K-12 & Higher Education
Our energy dashboards are enablement tools for our higher ed customers who seek to manage their vast building stock. In situations where campuses are serviced through a central plant, greater visibility into individual building energy impact have become more critical to managing the efficiency of their central plant and the building performance of their various buildings.