Emergent Energy Solutions, LLC.
Our Team
Kevin Kai Wong
President & CEO
Tashelle Darby
Beverlene Bailey
Administrative Assistant
Steve Tran
Engineering - Report Customization & Energy Excellence
Jim Pletcher
Technical Services Manager
Danny Villafane
Project Engineer - Configuration and Hardware
Andre J. Holt
Jason Below
Sr. Project Manager
Open Position
Project Engineer - Field Services
Capabilities and Certifications
Shown below are a list of our certifications and capabilities.
- NAIC CODE: 334512, 541350, 541330, 541511, 541513, 5416, 541990
- Certified PA Small Business
- C-PACE PA Contractor
- Certified Assa-Abloy integrator
- Certified Honeywell Niagara 4 integrator
- Certified PMP, CEM, DGCP
- Trade Apply Partner: PECO, PPL, FE, CL&P, PGE, GP, Duke, FPL, BGE, SMECO, NJ Clean Energy, Eversource, SCE, Focus on Energy, Etc....
Operational Excellence
Our goal is to continuously create value for our customers, which fosters a long-term customer oriented relationship. Our partnership approach supports our customers with their goals to continuously become more efficient through process improvements and capital investments. These investments enhance equipment reliability, reduce operating costs, while delivering the required ROI for project justification.